Ceramic - Pottery Dictionary

by Susan Mussi

FILING (6) Tiles screen printing.

ca: ARXIVANT (6) rajoles serigrafia.

es: ARCHIVANDO (6) azulejos serigafía.

Screen filing and coding.
Keeping the original designs is very important because the mesh might break or become unstuck. To have them repaired you should take the frame as well as the original design to where you had them made.

The original drawings have all been printed onto transparent paper and been prepared to be copied onto the mesh then an emulsion is pulled across it. The exposure to light burns away the unnecessary parts leaving clean spaces of the original design.

Keep the originals designs named and numbered with good photos of each one, so if damaged you will be able to renew them. If the designs are large they are cut into sections of up to six tiles and filed together. If they are small similar subjects are filed together; flower, boats, offices etc. Make folders for the designs in brown paper, sealed on three sides, shorter than the design so they are easily recognized, they should be named and numbered. I have two folders in which I keep all the designs. I was given the large one, which is 63cms wide and 90cms long and ideal for keeping big designs, it has a zip which goes round three sides allowing you to open it completely, and a smaller one 38 by 55 cms. They are good as they are flat and can be moved quickly with handles to carry them.

If you have of a lot of framed designs prepared for screen printing you must find ways to keep and file them. It is better if they stand vertically and the same way round, so the frame of one is against the mesh of the next one. If you have many, make shelves for them slightly narrower so the screen over laps, which makes picking them up easier. Name and codify them on the side that can be seen, with large strong letters of dark paint, always in the same direction in relation to the front of the screen, so that you do not have to keep turning you head when reading the names to find the one you want.

The biggest design I have has 72 tiles and needs 12 screens of six tiles, which are framed to work with horizontally, so when marking the design the paint has to be pulled over the shortest part of the screen. When framed, a larger space is usually left at the top and bottom to have room for the paint. The photos show shelves made to keep screens. When I started with small designs I had screens made up in proportion to the design, which was stupid as it makes keeping them more difficult, you can see these on the left. The smallest screen I use most is 30×40cm and now any new ones that are smaller I have made them to this size, which is always the inside measure of the frame.
Screen Printing has 10 sections this is the first, Screen printing. they are all linked in the order of working.

This is the last section, to go to the first; File – Filling (1) pottery drawings