Ceramic - Pottery Dictionary

by Susan Mussi

CLAY - Textures & Colors.

ca: ARGILA - Textures i Colors.

es: ARCILLA - Texturas Y Colores.

Clay: textures and colors
Different clays have different colors and textures. Sands and grog can be added to clay to change the texture, to add strength and to slightly alter the color. Electric tile cutters throw off fine grain that can be used as grog. Always be sure that the grog you are using can be fired up to the temperature you require for your work. Most red brick can only tolerate up to 1050º C and some cheap building bricks even less.

Combustible materials make textures by mixing or pressing them into unfired clay. When fired they will burn away leaving a texture. You can use; rice, coffee beans, any form of dried vegetable, dried leaves, etc.

When special colors are required in clay, colors can be added. These are known as coloring stains or body stains and are produced in powder form. There is a large selection of colors but remember that the color of the clay will always influence the color you are adding. So to achieve a required color, white or light clay is better. Colored clays can be bought prepared.