Ceramic - Pottery Dictionary

by Susan Mussi

CLAY - Damping.

ca: ARGILA - Humitejar.

es: ARCILLA - Humedecer-

Clay damping
a) Dampen clay by cutting it in slices, make holes and fill them up with water, then sandwich and knead the clay. You may have to do this several times.
b) If the clay is too hard to knead, slice it into several pieces, sprinkle water over them and put them on top of each other. Pack them together, cover with a damp cloth and leave in a bucket or large basin. Repeat this several times during the next few hours.
c) If the clay is too dry even to cut, then either put it into a bucket half full of water and keep turning the clay, or cover it with a very thick, damp, cloth, continually re-damping the cloth.
d) Clay must be kept damp while not being used. Keep it in a plastic airtight bucket or a strong well-closed plastic bag.