Ceramic - Pottery Dictionary

by Susan Mussi

CLAY - Cold.

ca: ARGILA - Freda.

es: ARCILLA - Fría.

Cold Clay does not have to be fired, it was invented to repair and restore antique pottery. It has developed into pliable clay that can be used straight away; it is hard, dries at room temperature and can be used for modeling delicate pieces and large structures with rough surfaces.

There are two types; one is thick and used for modeling and the other is more pliable and used for filling cracks and to repair imperfections, both are made in different colors that can be mixed with each other. They can be thrown or moulded and diluted by adding water.

The clay does not need to be fired, as it will harden. Hardening times can be reduced by applying a moderate heat; a kitchen oven can be used, it needs about 15 minutes at 130 ° C. There is little or no shrinkage and when dry it can be carved, sand papered and polished. It is mainly used in school for children to model figures and to make jewelry and small crafts.