DISPLAYING PLATES - Plates hung up with a "Plate Hooker"
ca: MOSTRANT PLATS – Plats penjats d’un “Ganxo de plats”
es: MOSTRADOR DE PLATOS – Platos colgados de un “gancho de platos”.
Display plate hooker: this was invented by the owner of a pottery shop in the old part of Barcelona. The room is very large, with high stone walls covered with plates. So as not to have to get out a ladder every time a client wanted to see a plate, he invented
THE PLATE HOOKER. He has two; they are both the same but have handles of different lengths. The hooks in the walls are permanent and the plate-hooker allows the plates, at all heights, to be taken off and hung up quickly.
How it works
The part that carries the plate is made of thin, strong metal wire. It has an oval shape, wide and deep enough to hold the biggest plates. Plastic bubble wrap is laid round the inside of the hooker to help hold the plate steadily, particularly the smaller ones. All the plates are made with two holes in the flange; string is passed through them so they can be hung up.
The back of the hooker has a piece of metal with an opening in the middle. At the top, on each side of this space, you find a Y-shaped piece of metal. The plate is put into the hooker; the string of the plate is slipped into both Y’s. The hooker is lifted up so that the hook in the wall, where the plate has to hang, goes through space in the metal. The hooker is then moved down until the nail catches the string and your plate is hung up.
The next section; Display shelves for tiles