Ceramic - Pottery Dictionary

by Susan Mussi

KILN (2) Electric Outside.

ca: FORN (2) Exterior

es: HORNO (2) Exterior

The drawings and photos show and name the different parts of a kiln.

a) The kiln.
b) A drawing marking and naming all the sections of the kiln.
c) The lid covered with a board of wood to protect it and use as a table.
d) The lid made with fire bricks has a peephole in the center, a hinge that connects the lid to the main body, the bar that holds up the lid, two case clamps and the arm that holds the connection to the lid that connects the control box.
e) The top front of the kiln, the lid open, the bar that goes right round it, used when being moved and the top of the control box.

Link to Hornos del Vales,S.A