Ceramic - Pottery Dictionary

by Susan Mussi

MOLD: 9 For tiles

ca: MOTLLE: 9 Per a rajoles

es: MOLDE: 9 Para azulejos

a) MOLDS: For tiles.
b) Walls: 4 bars of wood form the walls, of the height and length required for the tile plus the parts for joining and overlapping. These walls must have an inlet at each end, so they can be joined firmly together and form the exact measurements required for the tile, taking shrinkage into account.
c) Floors: are two square pieces of wood; one is to put the tile on while being made and the other to put on top to turn it over. These means that you can check that it is correctly filled up and the clay can dry at the same speed on both sides, avoiding warping.

Clay and rolling pin.

1) Lay the clay into the frame, pushing it into every corner and flatten it using a rolling pin.
2) With a long, straight tool like a ruler, scrape off the surplus clay. When the ruler touches the opposite sides of the mold, the clay will be straight
3) Lay the second wooden floor on top.
4) Turn it over, take off the bottom floor, check there is no clay missing on this side and level it off in the same way.
5) It can be left to dry with or without the walls but should be turned over several times, in the same way. This is because when flat clay dries and shrinks the outer edges are inclined to bend upwards and turning the clay helps to keep them level.