Ceramic - Pottery Dictionary

by Susan Mussi




Mosaics are small, different colored flat stones and tiles that are laid together to form a design. At the time of the Greek and Roman Empire, mosaics were used to decorate floors and wall and to tell stories and historical episodes. Throughout the centuries, Arab countries have used them for architecture, for decorating interiors and exteriors of buildings and in designs forming precise, geometrical decoration for floors, walls and ceilings. Today, Morocco is one of the principal countries for this art. In the 19th century, the Modernistic Catalan architect Gaudi used mosaics to decorate his work, ceilings, columns, statues, etc., using irregular shapes and sizes of every color and pieces of different materials, such as china, glass, bricks or stones. The following photos show different mosaic styles.

Photos a) & b) lent by Toni Cumella , c) & d) Nuria Pié and e) Susan Muss