Ceramic - Pottery Dictionary

by Susan Mussi

SCREEN PRINTING - In Pottery (4) Setting up a screen to print tiles.

ca: SERIGRAFIA - En ceràmica (4) Preparant una pantalla.

es: SERIGRAFÍA - En cerámica (4) Preparando una pantalla.

1) Lay the screen on the table and attach the two arms so that they are at an equal distance between the two sides of the frame and tighten them.
2) Put the same two tiles, already decorated and fired on the table and on the left of them put two bisque tiles and in front a metal bar, longer than the width of the table. Move the screen right down; through the mesh you can see the white tiles, move them until they are correctly placed in relation to the designs on the screen.

Note: If none are printed, use tiles fired with a white glazs-base, this allows the outlines to be seen more clearly.

3) Lift up the screen and move the bisque tiles next to the decorated ones, then put something heavy on them so they cannot move.
4) Put the metal bar next to the tiles and at each side of the table, fix it tightly with clamps.
5) Pull down the screen again to check, make sure nothing has moved.

The next section; Screen Printing (5) Setting up a table