Ceramic - Pottery Dictionary

by Susan Mussi

SLAB - Building boxes

ca: PLAQUES - Construcció de caixes

es: PLACAS - Construcción de cajas

Square shapes for boxes and pots built up with slabs of clay.
Method of working – making a slab pot
1) Roll out the clay to the required height.
2) Leave until it is leather hard.
3) Using a very fine, sharp, pointed knife, cut the clay into the sizes needed.
4) All the parts to be joined must be scored and covered with slurry.
5) Make slurry from the clay being used.
6) Join two walls at a right angle.
7) Add a very thin cord of clay to the inside joint.
8) With a tool push it into the joint, round it and level it out.
9) See that the outside joints are well closed, add a little clay if needed to seal and smooth them so they cannot be seen
10) Join the 4 sides and the base.
The top can be left open, can have a lid or have a slab joined to it with an opening to hold flowers and the corners on the outside can be left as they are with the sharp angle rounded or flattened.