Ceramic - Pottery Dictionary

by Susan Mussi

DRY CORD 1 A method in decorating pottery.

ca: CORDA SECA 1 Mètode per a decorar ceràmica.

es: CUERDA SECA 1 Método para decorar cerámica.

Name of a restaurant, overall size 44 tiles 60×165cm, tiles each 15×15cm. Fired at 980º C.

The bisque tiles were prepared with a white opaque glaze base, laid on a flat surface so the outline of the letters could be marked on with charcoal-powder. Following these lines, using a large scraper, the glaze-base, which formed the letters, was scraped off. The edges of the letters were cleaned, taking off the loose glaze with a dry, large, soft brush and then with another brush and clean water, they were smoothed.

The spaces were then refilled by dripping a red glaze into them, leaving a line showing the bisque between the white glaze-base and the red.

The border, which is an integral part of the perimeter of the tiles, was marked on, the whole design was placed on a stand to paint. The outlines round the letters were painted in black to accentuate them and the border in the Majolica method. Finally it was all fired together at 980º C.

Note: Dry Cord has 4 sections, this is the next Dry Cord (2) they are all connected and if you go to the letter “D” you can see them all together.