DRY CORD 2 A method in decorating pottery.
ca: CORDA SECA 2 Mètode per a decorar ceràmica.
es: CUERDA SECA 2 Método para decorar cerámica.
Overall size 36 tiles, 90 × 90cm. Tiles 15 × 15cm.Fired at 980º C.
Geminis is one of five different names designed for the entrances of a group of apartment buildings to make each one distinguishable from the road.
The glaze-base has a texture formed by throwing a fine coat of glaze-base over the tiles which is then spattered on top with the same substance but much thicker. To accentuate the design, all the outlines were done in the Dry-Cord method.
The design was marked on with charcoal-powder and the glaze-base was scraped off the perimeter of the letters and the figures, leaving an indent of 1cm. wide showing the bisque. This was then painted with black, after which the rest of the design was painted in the Majolica method.
Note: Dry Cord has 4 sections, this is the next Dry Cord (3) they are all connected and if you go to the letter “D” you can see them all together.
Read more about: Glaze-base textures