Ceramic - Pottery Dictionary

by Susan Mussi

MARKING TILES (b) Large designs

ca: MARCAT DE RAJOLES (b) Dissenys grands

es: MARCADO DE AZULEJOS (b) Diseños grandes

Marking a large design:
Place the tiles that have been prepared with a glaze-base, on a flat surface to form the size and shape of the design or the part that is going to be marked. If it is a very large design it should be separated into sections, the size of each section being dependent upon the size of the transparent paper you want it printed on. Cutting down the design makes the tiles easier to mark and the design easier to keep after being used.

Lay the tracing paper on top of the tiles and put two heavy objects in two different corners to hold the tracing paper in place. Have two heavy objects, so when marking you can move one and the other keeps the paper placed correctly. Always start by marking the tiles at the left bottom corner so they are in the right order, bottom ones first to put on the stand where they are going to be painted. When you lift them up one by one to move them, mark the code on the back of each one.