Ceramic - Pottery Dictionary

by Susan Mussi


ca: PLATS Suport

es: PLATOS Soporte

Plate stands: are to support plates vertically for displaying or working.
The structure must big enough to hold the largest plates you work with and strong enough not to lose its balance with the weight of the plate.
Plate Stands
a) Photo of one that is handsmade.
b) A drawing of how to use it.
c) A crank and foam rubber used as a plate stand.
d) Plastic plate stand for displaying plates.
When working rest the plate on a bit of foam rubber, this stops it from slipping and helps to avoid damaging the glaze-base round the edge if it has to be turned. For this reason the edge is always the last part to be painted. When the main part is finished, put the plate on a wheel and repair and paint the outer edge.
Read more about: Majolica: 5e – Preparing to paint plates