Ceramic - Pottery Dictionary

by Susan Mussi

STAMPS - To work with clay.

ca: SEGELL- Per treballar amb l'argila

es: SELLO - Para trabajar con la arcilla.

Stamp: If you are going to use a design continuously, make a stamp in wood or bisque. There are two types, which are explained below, both are tubes that can have designs indented or protruding.

1) This is a tube of clay that has the design of the stamping at one end, it must be long enough to hold comfortably while pressing it face downwards into the clay, if large and wide, make a handle like a “T” upside down. Read more about: Impressing stamp

2) It is a tube of clay with the design round the outside and a hole through the middle, so a handle can be attached to it. These are rolled over clay to repeat a pattern by indenting. If you have many, take into account they should be hung up, so you know where they are. These are known as roulette wheels.
Read more about: Impressing