Ceramic - Pottery Dictionary

by Susan Mussi

TILE - Cutter

ca: RAJOLA - Tallador

es: AZULEJO - Cortador

A tile cutter is needed to make special sizes and shapes that are not industrially made. It is mainly to make borders that are separate from the main design and go round the outside of pictures made out of tiles. The following sizes can be bought, 7.5 × 20 and 10 × 20 cm which can be cut to make corners and x x 7.5 × 15 cmx to make the borders for tiles, which are 15 ×15 cm. This last size is the one most used.

A hand tile cutter is needed if only cutting a few borders and leaves rough edges which have to be sandpapered. If you need to cut a large amount an electric cutter would be much better, quicker, more exact, and it can file and smooth the sides and corners of the parts which have been cut.

Note: The following two sections cover hand and electric tile cutting.