Ceramic - Pottery Dictionary

by Susan Mussi

COILING (1) Tools for cutting coils

ca: XURROS (1) Buidador rodó; eines per fer-los.

es: CHURROS (1) Vaciador redondo, herramientas para hacerlos.

Coilers are clay tools used for producing coils and for shaping and shaving while throwing on the wheel.

The first two are industrially made with wooden handles and an empty metal circle at one end that has a cutting edge on both sides.
The last five are all handmade, with strong, thin metal wire that is cut to the lengths required, bent in half round a round object that is the size you want your coil to be. When the wires meet they are twisted together tightly three times and then slipped off the object. The last parts of the two wires are bent to form a handle. Very good and cheap!

The next section; Coiling (2) Ways of using coils