Ceramic - Pottery Dictionary

by Susan Mussi

KILN - Furniture

ca: FORN – Accessoris

es: HORNO - Accesorios

Kiln furniture applies to all the implements used to pack a kiln to its full capacity, shelves, cranks, stilts, etc.

The dictionary has each piece of kiln furniture in two different places, alphabetical by its name and here it has all the illustrations, in alphabetical order so that you can find what you want rapidly, without knowing its name. If you want more information go to its section by clicking on to its name, which is in red below and in these sections is the name in the other two languages.

Read more about: Bits / Cranks / Cranks walls / Kiln shelves / Pip / Plate setters / Plate shelf / Saddle / Spur / Stilts / Tile shelves / Tube props