Ceramic - Pottery Dictionary

by Susan Mussi




Numbers for houses
(a & b) Are copies of old designs, the tiles are15×15cm and 1½cm thick and have been cut down to make the required shape.
(f) Designed for an urbanization and not used in the end was not used, so it was never painted. It is made in refractory and fired at 1280º C. It was designed to allow any number to be formed so all the pieces are separate. In the photos it has eight sections at the back, two height-wise and four length-wise. The ones in the center can be taken away or more can be added, this allows any number to be built up.

The tiles are all painted using the Majolica method and the rest of the numbers are all one tile designs with different borders and sizes.

Link to Ceramics Bensu for tiles decorated with the Majolica Method

Read more about: Architectural Ceramics / Names and Notices / Repeated tiles