Ceramic - Pottery Dictionary

by Susan Mussi

BORDERS (3) Plate structure.

ca: SANEFES (3) Estructura en plats.

es: CENEFAS (3) Estructura en platos.

Plate borders; borders are spaces that go round the outer edge of an object. With plates, the word border is used when describing a design or part of its structure. In the structure of plates the border is at a higher level than the center and can be any size, straight or slanted.

The photos show four plates, the first two do not have a structural border and the last two do. They show how borders can be mixed; “a” is a decorated border on a flat plate, “b” is a flat plate without a decorated border, “c” a structural border covered by one design, “d” a structural border with a border design.

Read more about: Majolica: 5e – Preparing to paint plates and Majolica: 5f – Twelve plates painted

The next section; Borders (4) Plates Designing