Ceramic - Pottery Dictionary

by Susan Mussi

LIDS (c) Throwing in pottery.

ca: TAPAS (c) Tornejades en ceràmica.

es: TAPAS (c) Torneadas en cerámica.

This section explains how to make a lid directly on the wheel.

a) The sections of the lip in relation to the lid and jar. Make the jar first so you have the inside and outside measurements of its flange, this allows you to measure it and make the lid to fit it exactly. In the following instruction the flange of the lid fits inside the circumference of the flange of the jar and the lid overlaps it.
b) Centering the clay.
c) Measuring the flange. A lid is always formed upside down. Make the shape letting the sides curve inwards at the bottom, which when turned will be the top of the lid. With calipers measure the outside diameter which has to overlap the flange of the jar.

d) Opening the center; the outside is kept level with pressure from the fingers of the left hand while the right hand is supporting the outside with the thumb and the first two fingers are making a space in the center and leaving enough clay round the edge for the lip and flange.

e) Forming the flange; with the first finger of the left hand inside and the first finger of the right outside, the clay is pushed up to form a wall at 90º which is known as the flange of the lid. The diameter of the outside of the flange should be measured with calipers to make sure it fits correctly inside the neck of the jar.

f) The lid is separated from the wheel by pulling wire cutters between them. It is then turned the right way up. This can be done by putting a tile on top, turning it and continuing to use it as a tray to move and work on the lid.

g) Level and smooth off the surface and add a knob if required.

Note: These are links to all the sections on throwing in alphabetical order.
Bowl Throwing / Cylinder Throwing / Jars Throwing / Lids (c)Throwing / Lids (d) Throwing Cones / Lids Knobs (f) Attached / Plate Throwing / Stack – Throwing / Teapot (a) Body / Throwing – with a tube

The next section; Lid (d) – Made using a cone.