Ceramic - Pottery Dictionary

by Susan Mussi

THROWING - Pottery to form shapes in clay using a wheel.

ca: TORNEJAR – És donar forma a l'argila en la roda del torn

es: TORNEAR – Es dar forma a la arcilla en la rueda del torno

Throwing applies to the process of forming round objects in clay, like bowls, plates and pots on a pottery wheel which can be rotated by foot or electricity. Throwing ends when the work has to be separated from the wheel and turned over to finish the footing and this part is known as Turning.

NOTE: These are links to all the sections on turning, click the name in red and you will straight to it.
——— Bowl Throwing —— Cylinder Throwing —— Jars Throwing ————- Lids Throwing ——- Lids Cones ———

——- Lids-Knobs ———— Plate Throwing————- Stack Throwing ——- Teapot Body —— Throwing with tube —-

Read more about: Wheel (c) hand / Wheel (d) Foot and electric